Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Vegan Summer Cool Down Drink List

summer cooldown drink link list by
I'm hot, I mean heat hot, but my husband would argue that I am also hot to look at, but that's a totally different thing. Anyway......My girls and I are spending much of our time in the backyard cooling down with lemonade or homemade popsicles, but I am looking for some new cool down drinks. Here is my list of drinks to try on hot summer days!

Cherry Limeade Mocktail
Tropical Papaya Strawberry Avocado Shake
Vegan Thandai
Mojito Iced Tea
Vegan Shake (Supposed to taste like a Frosty----not sure what that tastes like, but the recipe sound delish)
 Orange Grape Juice

For after the kidlets are in bed
Jalapeno Watermelon Limeade

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