Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Vegan Potato Salad

vegan potato salad by rooted-vegan.blogspot.com

Admit it, you're nuts for potato salad. Most of us are. I know a few strange individuals who aren't fans, but they probably don't like pizza either and that's just crazy. If you are in for a summer BBQ or if you're just wanting a little potato salad on your own this is easy and you probably have most of the ingredients already.

6 c golden or red potato, cubed, cooked, drained
2/3 c vegenaise
1-2T grainy mustard
1/3 c finely chopped onion
1 red pepper or stalk of celery (your call) for crunch, chopped
1 pickle finely diced
garlic chives, snipped (regular chives are fine too)

1. While the potatoes are cooking put all of  other ingredients into a large mixing bowl in the order they appear on the list, mix to combine.
2.  Add the drained and cooked potatoes and fold them in to combine.
3. Give yourself points for being a genius and making a two step potato salad.

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